1.Generates internal type mapping information for the element parts of a literal - use SOAP message defined in a WSDL document .
2.The purpose of this element is to declare that you are going to use SOAP as a binding and transport service .
3.If you are trying to use SOAP through a firewall, you might need to use a SOCKS proxy.
4.Husband: Ok, I get the hint. You want me to be all clean and fresh. So what shall I use, soap, cleansing milk or gel?
5.Wash your hands thoroughly after visiting a hospital. Use soap and water; alcohol-based hand gels do not kill C. difficile.
6.Do not use soap as it may irritate sensitive skin.
7.While I would not call these Web services because they do not use SOAP, I would still call it service invocation in SOA.
8.It is beyond the scope of this tutorial to use SOAP security and doing so would detract from my goal to keep things as simple as possible.
9.We are going to use SOAP instead of HTTP as the mechanism for invoking the Web service that we are going to create for our business process.
10.Web services built using ASP. NET use SOAP over HTTP, as well as HTTP-POST and HTTP-GET implementations that return non-SOAP XML documents.